Oakdale Grade School

Oakdale CCSD #1

280 East Main Street

Oakdale, IL 62268

Phone: (618) 329-5292

Fax: (618) 329-5545

Do you like to have fun.mp4
Oakdale Adult trivia night.mp4



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Mission Statement

Oakdale Grade School believes that all students should acquire skills and knowledge which will equip them to become well-adjusted, self-sufficient and contributing members of a democratic society. The school's function is to provide learning experiences that enable students to understand and value the importance of life long learning within and beyond the school. Oakdale Grade School believes that opportunities are provided for students to explore and expand individual talents and potential in a safe, stimulating environment which will enable each student to reach his maximum intellectual, emotional, moral, social, and physical growth and development. Oakdale Grade School believes that the Illinois Learning Standards defines what Illinois citizens believe all students should know and be able to do as a result of their public schooling.